How to clean kettle?

2007-07-24 9:36 pm
After boiling the water, the water turns yellow. There is nothing wrong with the water.
Inside the kettle there are some yellow stains. I tried to clean it with washing up liquid and lemon juice, it doesn' work.

What is the best way to remove these yellow stains?

回答 (3)

2007-07-24 10:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If it is an matel kettle and its inlet is big enough to accept your hand, just use a piece of Waterproof Abrasive Paper to clean it,
If its inlet is small , try to find some sand mixed with water to put inside, covered and shake, well clean it after.
if you can't find sand, try to find some rice, shake it to clean and boil it, it will well clean.

if it is make by plastic, see it as an antique.
2007-07-24 10:29 pm
If it is a electric kettle,
there's some special power for cleaning it.
I bought it in Price...,
Boil the water with the cleaning power and change the water several times.
That's it!
2007-07-24 10:24 pm
I had tried the method,it was o.k to clean the yellow stains sa follows:-
You can put some rices(not cooked yet)in the kettle or pot,then boil the water with rices (4:1)after the boilling you can use a brush(not plastic one) to clean it.

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