about 8222 ck-life sciences int.

2007-07-24 9:20 pm
I want to buy this stock and hold for 2 years, what do you think? the net profit of the company increased almost 1000% last year, and the net profit of the first quater 2007 increased 1300% compare with the 1st quater 2006, the results were so good but the share price has nothing to gain, can somebody tell me why?

回答 (2)

2007-07-24 10:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案

2007-07-25 1:13 am
I agree with the previous answer and wl like to add below

I remember this stock IPO was 2.00, what is the price now ? 0.73
I also remember this stock lost in the first few years, the figures you quoted are percentage growth, what are the actual figures, the high growth percentage may be because of a low base figure
the turnover is 503m but the profit is only 50m, gross profit margin is less than 10%
I do not think it is attractive figure, PE-62.93, you better consider 297 or 3983

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