
2007-07-24 8:41 pm
cathay pacific, 會有幾多輪interview?

回答 (2)

2007-07-24 9:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To become a Flight Attendant (Hong Kong Base), you need to meet the following requirements:
You must have the Right of Abode in Hong Kong;
You must be educated to HKCEE standard or equivalent with a pass in English (Syllabus B);
Proficiency in reading and speaking Mandarin, English and Cantonese is essential;
You must also be able to pass a medical assessment and meet a minimum arm-reach of 208cm.

(This is necessary to meet our safety requirements. We measure arm reach by having you remove your shoes and extend your arms above your head. Standing on tiptoe is allowed.)

成為機艙服務員(香港作基地)的入職要求, 如下:

是香港的合法居民, 即持有香港特區有效的身份証明文件(身分證)
香港中學會考合格並畢業, 而其中英文科(英文課程 B) 必須合格或以上
擁有流利的中, 英文聽, 寫技巧, 擁有其他語言能力, 如普通話, 日語等為佳
通過身體檢查報告, 與身高及手臂長度能觸及 208 cm, 基於機艙安全求職者必須達如此標準

2007-07-24 14:11:46 補充:
interview 大概會有3輪:1st interview 會係group interview, 即是一班女仔一字排開咁坐係度, interviewer 會派一個問題, 然後俾幾分鐘去思考, 之後就會逐一咁問,做 group discussion, 最好主動d, 因為好多都會搶住答, 要把握機會. 問題可能係case study, 問你嘅睇法, 點去處理個case.

2007-07-24 14:12:04 補充:
2nd interview就會同普通interview 差不多, 問關於自己嘅問題, 學歷, 點解想做機艙服務員, 考吓會話( 英文, 普通話)對答.大概會有3-4 個interviewer 做interview.

2007-07-24 14:12:15 補充:
3rd 最後一次形式同 2nd round 好相似, 只不過問題會深入d, 會問吓你對機艙服務員嘅了解,認識, 對佢地航空公司嘅認識, 關於航空, 飛行工作嘅問題, 睇吓out look, 學歷, 經驗各方面適唔適合做機艙服務員.
2007-07-24 8:48 pm
參考: 參觀國泰城

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