
2007-07-24 8:24 pm
我想問下eng d野呀....
請問 a an the係點解嫁.....
係1句子到應該點樣把a an the放係d句子到呀..??

回答 (1)

2007-08-07 8:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
三個冠詞 -- a, an, the -- 都是形容詞。the 叫做定冠詞 (definite article),因為它明確地指出名詞;a 和 an 叫做不定冠詞 (indefinite articles),因為它們未明確指出名詞。這些字也叫做名詞限定詞 (noun determiners),因為它們的後面跟著名詞。

The 係放在特定名詞的前面。當名詞是同類中的唯一時, 我們須使用 the:

The moon circles the earth.

當名詞指的是理論上的事物時, 我們須使用 the:

The United States has encouraged the use of the private automobile as opposed to the use of public transit.

當名詞指的是文章中先前已提到的事物時, 我們須使用 the。

不定冠詞 a 係放在第一個字母為子音的單數可數名詞的前面 (a cow, a barn, a sheep),而 an 則放在第一個字母為母音或發音類似母音的單數可數名詞的前面 (an apple, an urban blight, an open door)。第一個字母為 h 而且發 h 音的字通常使用 a (如 a horse, a history book, a hotel),但如果一個 h 字的開頭是發真正的母音,則使用 an (如 an hour, an honor)。我們要說 a useful device 和 a union matter,因為這些字的 u 實際上是發 yoo 的音 (相較於 an ugly incident 的 u)。我們要說 a once-in-a-lifetime experience 或 a one-time hero 因為 once 和 one 的開頭是發 w 的音。


A newspaper has an obligation to seek out and tell the truth.


There are situations, however, when the newspaper must determine whether the public's safety is jeopardized by knowing the truth.


"I'd like a glass of orange juice, please," John said.
"I put the glass of juice on the counter already," Shiela replied.


"I'd like a big glass of orange juice, please," John said.
"I put a big glass of juice on the counter already," Shiela replied.

總稱 (generic) 的提及:我們可以使用三個冠詞中的任一個來提及某事物的總稱。完全省略冠詞也可以表達相同的意思。

A beagle makes a great hunting dog and family companion.
An airedale is sometimes a rather skittish animal.
The golden retriever is a marvelous pet for children.
Irish setters are not the highly intelligent animals they used to be.

總稱不定代名詞與一般不定代名詞之間的差異,在於後者是指該種類中的任一個 ("I want to buy a beagle, and any old beagle will do.")而前者 (見 第一句 A beagle ...) 是指該種類的全部。


地名:the Sound, the Sea of Japan, the Mississippi, the West, the Smokies, the Sahara
複數化的地名、姓氏 (家族) 和球隊名稱:the Netherlands, the Bahamas, the Hamptons, the Johnsons, the New England Patriots
公共機構 (社會或教育事業機構)/設施/團體組織:the Wadsworth Atheneum, the Sheraton, the House, the Presbyterian Church
報紙:the Hartford Courant, the Times
後面接以 "of" 做開頭的介系詞片語的名詞:the leader of the gang, the president of our club

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