
2007-07-24 8:19 pm
想知有邊隻電奶泵夠力, 同用既時候又無咁痛嫁, 同大約幾錢嫁, 另外 nuk 哩個牌子好唔好, 有無人用過?

回答 (2)

2007-07-24 9:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
medela is the best, no need to buy another brand la. It costs around $400+, get one pump is enough, no need to buy both sides. First to start will be a bit sore as u are not that use to it, however, once get use to will better. It can be adjust from level 1-5.
2007-07-24 8:23 pm
Avent 麻麻地, NUK 唔錯, 價錢亦唔太貴, 您可以趁百貨公司減價去睇睇, 大約$200 左右.

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