Catalogue / brochure / leaflet 的分別

2007-07-24 5:56 pm
1. poster
2. catalogue
3. brochure
4. lamination
5. leaflet
6. booklet
7. pamphlet
8. advertisement
9. broadsheet

回答 (2)

2007-07-24 6:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In my opinion, we can look up the words first.

Poster ; a large notice, often with a picture on it, that is put in a public place to advertise sth

Catalogue ; a complete list of items, for example of things that people can look at or buy

Brochure ; a complete list of items, for example of things that people can look at or buy

Leaflet ; a printed sheet of paper or a few printed pages that are given free to advertise or give information about sth

Booklet ; a small thin book with a paper cover that contains information about a particular subject

Pamphlet ; a very thin book with a paper cover, containing information about a particular subject ( SYN : Leaflet )

Advertisement ; a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or service

Broadsheet ; a newspaper printed on a large size of paper, generally considered more serious than smaller newspapers

Generally, Those nouns are used to using at different situation, for example poster is a kind of materials to advertise.

I suggested using those words to ask people first, then you will know the difference :)

Because it's no only way to explain English vocabulary.

2007-07-24 21:57:38 補充:
Re Cheese: Oh surely asking vocabulary in ENGLISH is the better way to understand actual meaning. Don't you think so? I am sorry to confuse you. Sometimes please do not believe in translating dictionary because you cannot find out the exact definition.

2007-07-24 21:58:24 補充:
PS : I suggested using those words to ask natural English speaker or looking the words up in English dictionary, then you will understand the difference. Otherwise, you cannot improve your English skills even if you only read the Chinese definition.
參考: Oxford Advanced Learner s Dictionary
2007-07-24 7:40 pm
Duncan 幾攪笑...
>>I suggested using those words to ask people first, then you will know the difference

Poster ; A printed advertisement displayed in public space. e.g. 巴士站、地鐵站海報

Catalogue ; 目錄. restaurant menu is also a kind of catalog.

Brochure ; 大多A4 size, 唔一定要Sell嘢. 去車行或買HiFi 一本本嗰啲

Leaflet ; 小冊子, 通常係兩摺, 三摺 (家計會嗰啲)

Booklet ; 小冊子, 通常有釘裝

Pamphlet ; 小冊子, 通常係兩摺, 三摺

Advertisement ; 任何廣告: 電視、雜誌、billboard

Broadsheet ; yahoo 字典 - 大幅單(或雙)面印刷品

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