Applied Maths教科書

2007-07-24 8:41 am
Applied Mathematics Series同Mastering Applied Mathematics有咩唔同?

Mastering Applied Mathematics係咪冇mechanics同vector?

回答 (2)

2007-07-25 9:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Applied Mathematics Series係for AL同AS ge
Mastering Applied Mathematics係for AS only

Applied Mathematics Series範圍比Mastering Applied Mathematics大,因為多了AL的部份,而且內容係for舊syllabus ge,所以內容較多,改課程後都冇改過內容,只係lee兩年改過個封面,書內例子較深,而且常有錯誤,書後答案亦有錯誤,但我仍推薦有Applied Mathematics Series,因為只要你做得多入面ge例子,基本上都可以比到個C你,至於內容比課程多,這方面我覺得教師會清楚,應該會明確指出邊d要讀,邊d唔洗讀ge,所以唔洗擔心!

by 07 AL考生

2007-07-26 01:21:34 補充:
如果你讀得applied AL,咁就緊係買Applied Mathematics Series,好書黎的,舊書都比較易搵^^
參考: own
2007-07-25 1:30 am
Applied Mathematics Series mainly serves for those people who will attempt AL applied maths.
Mastering Applied Mathematics mainly serves those people who will attempt ASL applied maths after the year 2000.

Remark: Mastering Applied Mathematics follows the latest revised syllabus of applied maths which is done on 2000.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 00:51:14
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