which english schools are good for learning oral english

2007-07-24 8:29 am
I want to learn and pratice my english coversation, can anyone tell me which is a good school provide native speakers to learn and practice my oral skills

回答 (1)

2007-07-24 7:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
go to foreigners' church, e.g. in central...... i never been to church in central to learn to speak english, but my secondary school teacher suggested us to go, we were so lazy, of course we didnt do what he said.... however, now i understood that he is right. my teacher said those ghost are very nice ga... just go to church be part of them, or walk around in those areas, and try to make friends with them,ask them questions (weather, transporation), bull shit about anything... u must have thick face skin ar... remember free tuition wor... u must put some effort and spend some time ........ nothing is free........ no free lunch!!

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