UA Mega Box Cineluxe 有冇3D?

2007-07-24 8:07 am
UA Mega Box Cineluxe 有冇3D?
點解比其他cinema or UA cinema 貴多d ($90 )?

回答 (1)

2007-07-24 6:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
無 3D !
-luxe=luxury 即係豪華啲!
即係好似太古城 Director's Club 同皇室堡 Windsor Palace 豪華迷你戲院咁囉!
IMAX 點祇收你九十蚊咁少呀?起碼過百啦!仲要過百人一齊食薯片啊、講電話啊、搖腳啊... 各式其色...
通常呢啲豪華戲院都係兩個位一行,仲要係獨立座位,你狂 un 腳都無人知!

Transformer 應該唔會有 3D... 死心吧!
都係等睇 Harry Potter 5 啦!

2007-07-24 10:21:46 補充:
The imax 3D technology would apply to following films this year:- - Beowulf (coming, 16 November), - Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix (now), - Spider-man 3, - 300, - Deep Sea and etc.from

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