
2007-07-24 7:58 am

回答 (4)

2007-07-24 8:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Prehaps I didn't express myself clearly. Or due to the fact that I assumed your previous knowledge on this matter thus some points are rushed through/skipped
I will now explain the changes again in more details. I must restate the importance of cooperation in this changes.

P.S. There might be slight grammar mistakes, but this is more in spoken language....
2007-07-27 1:39 am
Due to my unclear expression or my assumption of your understanding earlier, I omit some details on this changes. I will now explain the changes in more details. I must address that your cooperation in this changes is very important.
2007-07-24 11:00 pm
I may not express very clearly! Or thinking already clear before you, what meaning was it, so omitted some characters,
It is change once that I explain it once exhaustively again now! I must reaffirm a bit, times of change must different fields fill one cooperate in.
2007-07-24 8:03 am
I express probably not too clearly!Think perhaps again you before already understand is what mean, so abridged a parts of writing,
Now my explaining again and in details once !I have to reiterate , the changes necessarily an everyone to face fully since cooperation.

2007-07-24 00:04:27 補充:

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