老師話我係descant,但我係school choir係soprano,但係我又想做mezzo soprano wo!

2007-07-24 7:29 am
老師話我係descant,但我係school choir係soprano,但係我又想做mezzo soprano wo!我可以點ar..我平時唱d mezzo ge歌d低音係勁走,老師話如果我唱得唔feel comfort ge就唔好唱......但係我真係好想做mezzo,同埋聲點樣可以練厚d ar?定係天生嫁?....有請高手指點迷津.......

回答 (2)

2007-07-24 8:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
問題如屬先天,無法改 變,其實都冇咩討論價值啦,因為各人天賦本錢不由得自己決定。

其實如果考唱歌,soprano係難考過mezzo,所以考完mezzo先好去考soprano就穩陣d,因為soprano D曲目深好多。



2007-07-24 8:09 am
Most probably it is born like that. I am tenor, but I also want to sing Baritone, since I can't sing too high (I can go up to only B now).

if you want to 練厚聲, you MUST sing with full support, and keep singing low register over and over, and you may try listen to Basses (not alto), and try to sing like them. (Originally I could sing up to only G, but I keep trying to sing like Domingo and Pavarotti and then I find myself easier to sing high notes). After certain practises, you will find your voice stronger GRADUALLY.

But you are descant, you should be able to sing very high notes, then why do you want to change part? If I could sing even higher, I would love that.

Most important of all is that you have to avoid 走音 when you are singing low notes (which means practise), then you may ask your teacher if you could be mezzo soprano

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