grammar問題... is/am/are

2007-07-24 6:39 am
Heat and humidity /is/ typical.....
點解用is,而唔用are? /佢有兩樣野,應該種數喇/
Mary and I // is/am/are
即係 He and I am .... /I 後跟am/
最後,應該點分辨如何用 is/am/are 在句式/ x and y ... / 中呢?

回答 (3)

2007-07-24 8:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
當兩樣野經常一齊提到,被當作同一樣野時,singular noun 都係可以用o既。Heat and humidity(熱力同濕度)如果你心裏面係分開o既兩樣野,請用 are;但如果你諗緊o既(例)人對氣溫o既感覺/水o既沸點,呢d情況有可能係二而為一o既。另一例子係 bread and butter ,兩樣合埋係外國人早餐不可少o既部份。
不過講到人,除非係集合名詞如 team, family, government 可以 is/are 都得,否則多過一個都係用 are 架啦。我地只會數人頭,唔分先後。

2007-07-24 00:28:53 補充:
漏左一個「例外」:計加數時,老外會話 One and one is two. 一加一等於二。樓上講o既 the sum of... 其實就隱藏左o係呢種 X and Y is Z o既出口計數句子中。但老外真係計數計出聲時,係唔會出整地講 The sum of X and Y is Z 架嘛。同理 three times three is nine,但佢唔用 and,似乎已唔係你問o既範圍啦。
2007-07-27 7:55 pm
wrong explanation:
you explained: 當兩樣野經常一齊提到,被當作同一樣野時...
If so, what will you say if you are talking about your shoes?
Will you say: Both of my right shoe and left shoe IS dirty.
I dont think so.
2007-07-24 7:06 am
Heat and humidity 可能係一樣野, 呂係兩樣野所以用is掛
Mary and I 用are, 因為Mary and I 係用We, 而We 係用are

I am
He/She is
You are
We are
They are
It is

e.g.1) X and Y 係 They, 用are
e.g.2) The sum of two numbers x and y is 26.
The sum of two numbers 即係 it , 所以用is

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