change them into active voice{轉active voice}

2007-07-24 6:30 am
change them into active voice!

1)Traffic rules ought to be obeyed by every driver.
2)If you run across the road carelessly,you may be knocked down by a car.
3)Owing to bad weather,the picnic should be canceled by the teachers.
4)The work should be completed by the students by tomorrow.
5)These pills should not be taken more than twice a day.


回答 (1)

2007-07-24 6:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Every driver ought to obey traffic rules.
2. A car may knock you down if you run across the road carelessly.
3. Owing to bad weather, the teachers should cancel the picnic.
4. The students should complete the work by tomorrow.
5. We should not take these pills more than twice a day.

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