
2007-07-24 5:07 am
如果SAT I 得1680分..TOEFL iBT 得101..
想去美國升大學...major undecided...可以有咩choice?



回答 (2)

2007-07-24 8:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
u got a very good score in ur test, i think many college will accept u!
i do not agree with the one who said the place that has too many chinese will affect your learning in english. if u are willing to learn, no matter where u r, u will be learning and studying hard. In NY, there are many chinese, but does it mean there are no white ppl, black ppl, no American at all? If you choose to live in Chinatown, then that is your choice, u speak chinese, see chinese, read chinese, i am sure u dont want that, however, u will miss chinese food if u dont live in chinatown..... i agree that if u live in a less chinese ppl place, u will speak less chinese because u are forced to speak english if u want other ppl to understand u! But in your first year, u will feel so lonely if u dont even see one chinese ppl or speak one chinese word, u will be crazy and want to die.
ok, back to the topic, with ur score, u can go anywhere, study in anywhere, make up ur mind, where and what do u want to study? there are some school for business, some for education, some for art, like FIT in new york......... what do u like?
參考: i live in NY-new york
2007-07-24 6:36 am
你呢個成績其實已經好好!(it is impossible for u to enter cc, they only need 51 in toefl ibt)大部份的名校都入到,但如果你唔想去禁多華人的地方禁你最好pick university of wisconsin---madison! 又或者係minnesota的twin city都係好好的學校,我上年去左美國,覺得san francisco new york個d地方唔好,expecially LA, is just the same as Hong Kong, you don't need to speak any english at all, 物價貴而且華人多是非多,係中部呢兩名係唔錯的學校,全美排名頭50!想學語言係一個好好的地方。
參考: 我係美國wisconsin讀書

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