有人去過黎昌生獸醫表弟dr. david睇過嗎 ?? 急急急

2007-07-24 12:24 am
我想問問有無人去過 (香港半山羅便臣道27E地下 - 黎昌生獸醫珍所既 dr. david醫生睇過), 姑娘話係黎昌生醫生既表弟, 如果有人去過請話俾我知佢好唔好?專業嗎?? 因為我有隻貓bb要打針, 又要絕育, 想搵個長期既獸醫睇佢, 但又唔知dr. david好唔好, or 係中環有無其他好好既獸醫推介, 價錢合理唔太貴, 請有心人幫幫手回答我, thanks!!

回答 (3)

2007-07-24 6:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
上環有間出名好,又有愛心既獸醫, dr.maggie
貓醫院http://www.9lives.com.hk , 得貓冇狗,
booking 好full 下
要預早d book先有
2007-07-24 8:26 pm
The Ark Vet
It is located in Sai Ying Pun, Third Street, 24 hours clinic
The nurses and doctors there are so kind and love animals a lot

My cat do all the things there and the charge is fair enough
Doctor fee: $300 (not include the medicine and injection)
Tel: 2562 9405
2007-07-24 1:31 am

銅鑼灣 100 號 興發街地下

維多利亞公園 ~ 消防局對面

Dr. Liu Tel: 2508-1083

make an appointment

參考: ME ~ My Home 23 Honey Cat

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