
2007-07-23 9:20 pm
(a) -8+18p-9p²

(b) x(4x-37)-30

(c) 15(z+3)²+13(+3)-2

(d) 2x²+9xyz+4y²z²


回答 (2)

2007-07-23 9:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2007-07-23 9:49 pm
a) you may use quad formular to try it, but remember to check the answer and don't omit the - sign (or simply, cross method if you can see it)
ans: -(3x-2)(3x-4)

b) expand it and do the same as a)
ans: (x-10)(4x+3)

c) should be 15(z+3)²+13(z+3)-2 instead, right?
put z+3=x, u will get 15x²+13x-2
and the ans should be (15x-2)(x+1)
back substitute x=z+3 into the original equation
ans: (15z+43)(z+4)

d) it should not be so easy to look from the polynomial right here at first, you must do it by observation (cross method), you will get the ans
ans: (2x+yz)(x+4yz)

hope u understand how it is done!

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