
2007-07-23 8:37 pm

回答 (3)

2007-07-23 10:45 pm
不可取,because u have to pay so much $ for learning ENG,if u don't have so much$,u should stay in HK first to learn better ENG
2007-07-23 8:57 pm
yes...only if you really want to study english...

some suggestion:
1. go to small towns instead of big cities; it may be boring but you can focus on studying and learning english
2. hang out with local people, don't hang out with chinese; no excuse not to speak english and you can practice more with them

i live in los angles and i have seen lots of chineses who came here long time but still not good in english, it's because they go out with chinese only and there's no need to speak english unless they really need to, even at school or at work.
2007-07-23 8:41 pm
個人認為 : 可取的 ~ 不過我朋友同我講左句 有心讀冰度都讀到啦~
同埋樓主過到去 聽同講會好左 讀同寫就可能冇咩分別~ 不過如果樓主 經濟能力可以既 出去自立下都未嘗唔係一件好事~

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