
2007-07-23 8:11 pm
我們music company另一個新瑜伽館將於7月正式運作,為瑜伽愛好者及有興趣更深入進階的會員,提供多一個選擇。與此同時,我們亦不會削減現有的免額外收費瑜伽班。


回答 (4)

2007-07-23 8:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In line with our future development, as long as the time to meet. We also plan to invite two teachers in the future and continue to teach classes l. Our music company with another new yoga Museum will be fully operational in July. Yoga enthusiasts and for a more in-depth interest in Advanced Member, providing one more choice. Meanwhile, we will not reduce the existing tax charge extra yoga classes. However, we have always supremacy customers, customer satisfaction is our goal. You are welcome at any time in our website and newsletter "lonely" in the views of Member column, and to provide valuable opinions.
2007-07-23 9:33 pm
In order to cooperate with our future development, so long as time can cooperate, we plan invitation two teacher these continue l turn on class teach on future also.
Another new yoga hall of our music company will be in the formal operation of July, and the member interested to be deeper and seniorer, offer a choice more for yoga fans. Meanwhile, we will not also cut down existing exempting and charging in yoga class extraly. However, we are usually the guest 户The highest, it is our aim to make the customer satisfied. Welcome Your Excellency in our websites and suggestion column of the member inside of ' lonely ' of member's communication at any time, put forward the valuable suggestion.
2007-07-23 8:52 pm
In order to cooperate with our development in the future, so long as time can cooperate , we also plan these two teachers of the invitation and continue l to hold the class and teach in futur e. Another new yoga hall of our music company will be in the formal operation of July, the fan is and interested to enter the members of the steps more deeply for yoga, offer a choice more. Meanwhile, we will not also cut down existing exempting and charging in yoga class extraly. However, we are usually the guest. The highest, it is our aim to make the customer satisfied. Welcome Your Excellency in our websites and suggestion column of the member inside of ' lonely ' of m ember's communication at any time, put forward the valuable suggestion .
2007-07-23 8:17 pm
In order to cooperate with our future development, so long as time can cooperate, we plan invitation two teacher these continue l turn on class teach on future also.
Another new yoga hall of our music company will be in the formal operation of July, and the member interested to be deeper and seniorer, offer a choice more for yoga fans. Meanwhile, we will not also cut down existing exempting and charging in yoga class extraly.

But, are we usually the guest? The highest, it is our aim to make the customer satisfied. Welcome Your Excellency in our websites and suggestion column of the member inside of ' lonely ' of member's communication at any time, put forward the valuable suggestion.

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