
2007-07-23 11:34 am

回答 (2)

2007-07-23 1:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 移民去另一個國家唔等於要入藉, 因為移民後要在那國家居住若干年(唔同國家唔同
規定)先有資格去考入籍試. 你可以唔考都得, 唔係必須嘅.
3.你在先前國家出生, 你仍然有當地居留權, 但會失去公民權及國民身份如你入藉新國家.
4.入藉新國家前, 當局會要求你放棄舊國藉. 但我識好多移民嘅人都有兩至三本唔同嘅passport. 我知道的是:美加一定唔容許.
5.好多歐洲國家都可以但視乎情況. 香港算唔算? (British BNO + 香港特區)

2007-07-23 06:32:29 補充:
for question number 4: sorry, 加拿大是容許双國藉, 淨係美國唔可以.
2007-07-25 5:38 am
1. No. Emigrating to another country is only the beginning towards getting citizenship of another country.

2. When you have satisfied the time requirement and other requirements (ie. language), then you will be eligible for citizenship of that country.

3. It depends. For example, Singapore and Germany does not allow dual nationalities and thus by acquiring another citizenship, that person will lose their original citizenship. On the other hand, China does not recogize dual nationalities so you can have another citizenship but will not be protected by Consular/diplomat of that country concerned.

4. Yes, except the above situations

5. Most countries allow dual nationalities but like I stated above, Singapore, Germany and Japan are exceptions to that rule. Australia, prior to 2004, also disallow dual nationalities but have since abandon that policy.

2007-07-24 21:39:31 補充:
To correct the above poster: US allow dual nationalities "The U.S. Government recognizes that dual nationality exists but does not encourage it as a matter of policy because of the problems it may cause. "http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/cis/cis_1753.html

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