Are spoilers more acceptable in some countries than in others? (partial Harry Potter spoiler)?

2007-07-22 4:13 pm
Most of the English-speaking world is very spoiler-averse. You problably consider it good practice to give a warning before revealing spoilers, and English-language websites and media usually respect this practice.

But in Taiwan, it's a different story.

Last night, I was watching the news on a major TV channel (ETTV)...

"The ending of the Harry Potter series is finally out! ______, ______, and ______ die, but ______ miraculously survives after ________. And what's more, ______ and ______ marry!!" (Graphic: A nauseating pink heart worthy of Lockhart or Umbridge)

This was broadcast to millions of TV watchers, adults and children, across the country. And yes, Harry Potter is extremely popular in Taiwan too.

Come to think of it, I and everyone I know (yes, we're from Taiwan) have always ASKED for spoilers. My parents do it every time a TV serial is released on DVD. It's a habit, we seem to think we NEED spoilers, and we don't believe that they "spoil" anything.

Your view?

回答 (4)

2007-07-26 2:46 pm
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I agree with you. Spoilers do not spoil the book and I guess they are more acceptable in some countries than in others. For instance, the New York Times published a review a few days before the book's release, and they were immediately criticized by most people.

Since this is an English-language website and most everyone here is from an English-speaking country, most people, especially 'die-hard Harry Potter fans' would hate me for this, but I did read the spoilers online before the book came out (several different versions of them, but one turned out to be correct). When reading the book, I did not feel that any of the spoilers 'spoiled' anything. Like your example above, the spoilers I read say that ______, ________, and _______ die, sometimes including the reason why or even the page on which they died. One (the one that was correct) said that _____ and ______ get married and have a son/daughter named ________. It even included the final words of the book. However, I didn't feel that the book was ruined. For instance, the spoiler didn't mention some of the important points in the book, such as the true story of _________, or how Harry, Hermione, and Ron managed to find and destroy the Horcruxes. As for the people who died, yes _____ died on page____, but how? Why?

In addition, people who dislike spoilers do have a choice. They can choose to not read them. Or, if they start to read something and realize that it is a spoiler, they can stop. It isn't the obligation of a person to say 'This is a spoiler, read at your own risk'.

By the way, I was born in an English-speaking country and I live in an English-speaking country, but _______. =]
2007-07-26 10:49 am
I usually have no problem finding out what happens then reading the book or watching the movie. I can still enjoy the story. I would rather read the ending for myself tho then rely on what someone on the internet says.
2007-07-22 11:27 pm
Well, I can't really speak for entire countries, but I can speak for myself. I don't like to know spoilers. Part of the fun of reading is not knowing what's coming next. It allows me to be closer to the characters, to learn of events at the same time they do, etc. In effect, it places me in the thick of the story. To know what comes next would allow me to take a teeny step backward. While I could (and usually do) still enjoy the story after I know the ending, I can't become a part of the story anymore. In the back of my mind I'm trying to connect each part of the book to the part I already know about--I begin to analyze the book instead of just immersing myself in it. (I'm from the United States, in case you're wondering.)
2007-07-22 11:22 pm
The american press loves to divulge information if it can destroy a person's career or cause the deaths of thousands of people.
I am sure the New York Times would print the entire war plan of the Pentagon if it were to obtain access to it.
It will be careful not to blab too much about a silly book though...

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