
2007-07-23 5:28 am

回答 (3)

2007-07-23 6:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我現在已有左4個月 , 我食話梅,加應子等的都不能止嘔,

之後睇中醫叫我食生薑及食中醫止嘔 , 都O.K.
2007-07-23 4:03 pm
Try to eat small amount of meal everyday (eg: have 5/6 meals per day), sometimes I cooked food with tomato (it made me felt better). And every morning, have some dry soda crackers before breakfast, I also bring the crackers with me everywhere I go (when I felt sick or hungry I can eat it, "remember don't try to starve yourself, it would make you worst")
參考: Myself
2007-07-23 5:32 am

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