我地可以用個樣分到中國同日本人, 咁英國人可以用個樣分到英國同德國人嗎?

2007-07-23 5:17 am
我地可以用個樣分到中國同日本人, 咁英國人可以用個樣分到英國同法國, 德國人嗎?

回答 (2)

2007-07-23 9:32 pm
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QUESTION: I was interested in seeing what various people look like who come from certian places.The original people if you can actually say that. You know like what's a real french man or woman look like or german, english,ect,ect...?I was going to ask my computer but then I was at a loss for what to ask?? Can you help me out?? Thanks
ANSWER: Hello,
this question is quite broad as it covers practically almost all Europe.
Anyway I can summarize the matter as follows, starting from Northern Europe:
1-the Norwegians and the Swedes in Scandinavia, the Danes in Denmark, the Germans in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the English/ Anglo-Saxons in England, are all descendant of many ancient Germanic tribes as these regions were settled just by Germanic tribes. They all in fact speak similar languages which belong exactly to the same group, i.e. the Germanic group. According to Tacitus' description in his work “Germania” (written in 98 AD) Germans had blue eyes, red /blond hair and big bodies fit for assault.Today also they all look often like this.
2-the Poles in Poland, the Russians in Russia, the Bulgarians in Bulgary, the former Yugoslavs in the Balkan Peninsula, are descendant of the ancient Slavonic tribes whose look was quite similar to the Germanic tribes. They all speak similar languages which belong to the same group, i.e. the Slavic group.
3-the Finns in Finland, who are members of the Finno-Ugric group which went to Europe from the Ob River region in Siberia and speak a Finno-Ugric language, as well as the Magyars in Hungary, that speak the Hungarian language which belongs to the Finno-Ugric family too, are also very similar to the descendants of Germanic tribes.
4-the Romanians in Romania are also descendant of the ancient Slavonic tribes, though they do not speak a Slavic language, but a a Romance language, which can be traced back to the Roman colonization of Dacia. The basic vocabulary is in fact of Latin origin.They have dark hair, dark eyes and are quite tall.
5-the French in France, the Irish in Ireland, the Scots in Scotland are descendant from many ancient Celtic tribes whose look is also similar to the Germanic tribes, as they have often blue eyes, red / blond hair and are high in stature.
6-the Italians in Italy, which are direct descendant of Latin/Roman tribes, the Spaniards in Spain and the Portuguese in Portugal, who have varied origins, due to long history of invasions and migrations (Celts, Phoenicians, Romans), the Greeks in Greece that are descendant from ancient Greek tribes, have often dark hair, dark eyes and are quite tall, though there are also men/women having blue eyes, blond hair and great stature.
Note that Italians, French, Spaniards and Portuguese speak Romance languages (Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese ) which derive from Latin, of course. This because for centuries the Romans ruled Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, besides Romania, Greece, Germany, England, Hungary, former Yugoslavia, northern Africa and the Middle East (i.e. Turkey, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, and Syria as well as Iraq, and some countries of the Arabian Peninsula).
To conclude, I must point out that somatic features I’ve mentioned are not always usual, but simply predominant traits among the above peoples that however over the centuries have become a mix of people from all over.
Best regards,
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以上資料有一點有小小問題,其中 Bulgarians 的祖先應該是色雷斯人(Thracians)而非斯拉夫人為主,只不過他們後來被斯拉夫人同化了。不過不要緊,有可能色雷斯人本來同斯拉夫人很相似,再加上必然有二族通婚。說到異族婚,這又使歐洲人外貌異中有同,因為歷史的交往、統治來統治去……等等都使歐洲人的種族不純。這就像澳門的土生葡人,有些看上去成個中國人的樣子。
2008-01-28 3:42 am
其實基督徒係可以相信部分進化論的, 進化論分幾部分, 進化論其中一個論點是指動物是為了適應生存環境而進化 如保護色的動物,
這一部分是基督徒可以相信的 而另外一個論點,指人類是由猩猩或是單細胞進化而成的 這論點只在假設和研究階段, 只是想像, 到現在也沒證據

有學者也指出:「適應生存環境而變化(進化) 」—如:變色龍



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