genius 同 talent 有咩分別

2007-07-23 4:45 am
genius 同 talent 有咩分別


回答 (2)

2007-07-24 1:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
genius=someone born talented at a specific skill or many skills

talent=something one's good at from environmental influences after birth

he/she is a math genius

he/she is talented at writing music
2007-07-23 4:49 am

1. 天資,天賦,才華;創造力[U]She is a dancer of genius.她是個有天賦的舞者。2. 天才,英才[C]Einstein was a great scientific genius.愛因斯坦是一個偉大的科學天才。3. 才能,才幹[S] [(+for)]He has a genius for getting along with children.他擅長與孩子們打成一片。4. 對別人有巨大影響的人[C]5. (民族,時代,地方等的)特質;精神[the S]


1. 天才,天資[U][S1][(+for)]He had a talent for music.他有音樂天才。2. 天才們,有才能的人們[U][G];天才[C]She is a new diving talent.她是一個新的跳水天才。3. (演藝界)明星們,藝人們[U][G];明星,藝人[C]There was a lack of local talent, so they hired an actor from London.因為缺乏本地的明星,所以他們從倫敦雇來一位演員。4. 【英】【俚】美人,尤物[U][G]5. 塔冷通(古希臘,羅馬等的重量或貨幣單位)[C]

參考: yahoo dictionary

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