好迷惘, 想到澳洲升學

2007-07-23 4:33 am
本人想到澳洲升學讀Monash, 已經收左了,但學費方面解決不到,

首先非常感謝carolli123, 其實係個邊我係有能力工作,但首筆學費真的難了我, 因為我都不知道在那個途徑做好, 家人方面...有些問題, carolli123 真的感謝你的勉勵, 希望如果我過到來, 大家做個朋友:)

回答 (4)

2007-07-23 5:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Congratulation, Monash has a good name in Australia, good reputation university. I do understand how you worry about the free, definately, that is also the major problem for me in Sydney. My parents could not support my studey, so I worked in Chinese restaurant when I arrived Sydney due to the language berrie. Then I work in nursing home and also get some home care job from agency. Finally, Im now working for 3 jobs, to support myself every thing. I'm not sure how the job opportunities in Victoria, but I believe restaurant job, sale and caring jobs are still in high demand.

Chinese restaurant job is on cash-on-hand, means the employer pay you money directly, and you dont need to pay for tax, also no one knows you work more than 20 hours (20 hours work limitation during school day). Also, people in restaruant share the same language as you, let you get used to the new environment easily and could give you lots of idea (you may have a lot of question when you are new). However, Chinese pay less than Australian.

In Australian company, they pay higher rate (hourly rate), payment will be transfer to your dominated account after tax. you have to beware the number of hours you worked in a week. (working over 20 hours /week will breach student visa condition). unlimated working hour in school holiday.

You will get payment weekly in australia.
Hope it helps, these are my personal experience, I've been studying in Sydney almost 4 year, I work to pay for myself everthing and even have spare money to send home. I believe you can do so.
Good luck
2008-09-07 7:11 am
the website can help you.
www.money128.biz and www.fast-beauty.6289.us
2007-07-30 12:53 pm
本人係Melbourne U - Bcom畢業,然後Monash (Clayton) Master of Business System畢業, 畢業後apply PR, now 已經成為澳洲公民。我都推過點心車的。
carolli123所說絕對是當地的勤奮好學生的寫照,好寫實。Well Done
在Syd的,其實和在Melb的差不多,但living cost平D。

其實Monash (Clayton Campus) 真係OK的,在Vic, 係no. 2好大學。

如果你係Monash (Clayton Campus), 可以到Clayton好幾間唐餐館做,如是Causfield, 就更多,仲可以去Chadstone Shopping Ctr 度打工。

China Town就多唐餐館,你去“king保酒樓”做啦,佢先會請新仔,係木人巷,因為人工少,經常有酒席,要分餐,做死人,魚(唐餐館術語:即貼士)又少,但要得經驗值,無計。
想做其它好的唐餐館,你記住要吹水話係 China Town“龍房黃公”做過,你頂個黑衫(唐餐館術語:即經理)唔順才走的。記往準備係hk時,留意D侍仔點做野,同點用跟叉分餐,點同條蒸魚起骨。

其實你的IT知識ok,可在Clayton road 個兩間Computer shop做切機仔,我識佢老細。

[email protected]

PS: Carolli123,我都想識妳,如妳看到,請妳都add我啦
參考: 本人多年在Aus經驗
2007-07-27 3:06 am
因為依個programme係for "常"學堂既學生
參考: 我起升學指引睇到的

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