
2007-07-23 2:36 am

(1)Jane is good at english.She listens to english songs every day.(since)
(2)Tony does not like love stories.Charles does not like love stories,either.(Neither...nor)
(3)Karen has bought a DVD.Alice has bought one too.(Both)
(4)I lost my way.I was late for the show.(so)
(5)Tickets are only $30 now.They decide not to see a movie(Although)
(6)Leon Lai is a good singer.He is very popular all over the world.(therefore)

回答 (3)

2007-07-23 3:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Jane is good at english since she listens to english songs every day.

2.Neither Tony nor Charles does not like love stories.

3.Both Karen and Alice has bought a DVD.

4.I lost my way so I was late for the show.

5.Although tickets are only $30 now, they decide not to see a movie.

6.Leon Lai is a good singer,therefore he is very popular all over the world.

參考: 英文中學英文科主任
2007-07-23 3:15 am
1.Jane is good at english since she listens to english songs every day.

2.Neither Tony nor Charles does not like love stories.

3.Both Karen and Alice has bought a DVD.

4.I lost my way so I was late for the show.

5.Although tickets are only $30 now, they decide not to see a movie.

6.Leon Lai is a good singer,therefore he is very popular all over the world.
參考: 自己
2007-07-23 2:50 am
1.Jane is good at english since she listens to english songs every day.
2.Neither Tony nor Charles does not like love stories.
3.Both Karen and Alice has bought a DVD.
4.I lost my way so I was late for the show.
5.Although tickets are only $30 now, they decide not to see a movie.
6.Leon Lai is a good singer,therefore he is very popular all over the world.
參考: me

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