去美國讀書 手提電話方面?

2007-07-23 12:57 am
1. 我應該係香港買電話定係過到去先買?
2. 有人話美國人淨係用motorola 咁個邊有冇其他牌子賣?
3. 要用2G定係3G?

回答 (2)

2007-07-23 2:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 如果你對自己做既手提電話無要求, 過到美國買都無乜問題.
因為呢度上台係有免費電話送的. 如果你唔中意用D cheap cheap 電話,
咪自己買一部過唻囉. 雖然呢度都有好多選擇, 但唔係個個台都有新機揀,
價錢亦未必有HK 咁平. 仲有一個大問題係, 呢度買既機, 即使睇到中文,
也未必收到中文既SMS. (呢個係我經驗)
2. 可能多美國人用motorola啦, 但我用緊既sony ericsson 係o係美國買既.
除了以上兩種, 亦有samsung, nokia 等大路既機.
3. 美國好似暫時得一個台有3G, 其他仲用緊2G. 但我覺得你3G 電話又好,
2G 又好, 都係咁用唧. 你買機過唻最好係買4 頻機啦, 收得好D 既.
參考: 我住美國
2007-07-23 1:15 am
You can get the cell phone when you reach the states, then you don't need to buy a new charger for the correct plug or voltage for the US. Plus, a lot of cell phone service company will give you a FREE cell phone if you sign a contract with them for 1 year or 2, depends on the model of the cell phone. They will be brand new but will not be the newest model. The popular cell phone service company are AT&T, Verizon, T-mobile and Sprint. They are reliable.

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