
2007-07-23 12:28 am
I want to know the different meaning about "TRY TO DO STH" and "TRY DOING STH"

Also, i want to know the different meaning about "NEED TO DO" and "NEED DOING"

回答 (2)

2007-07-23 7:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
try to do係你plan去做一樣野,係嘗試去做一樣
eg I tried to make a cake, but i failed.

try doing係試一個方法
eg A:the machine doesn't work.
b:try pressing this button

至於need to do同need doing,我唔知佢地有咩唔同~sor!

2007-07-23 15:37:38 補充:
咁我講番need果個啦~need to do呢...好難解釋~我比一個eg你啦...(sor)eg you need to do revision before the exam.need doing係對比較被動ge...通常係一d死物,你需要對佢做一d野eg the batteries need changing.其實係相等於 the batteries need to be changed.
參考: 我
2007-07-23 12:32 am
try to do 係paln住去試下。。。未肯定會做~
但係try doing 係肯定d~
參考: myself

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