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2007-07-23 12:05 am

對於各類動植物而言(包括許多瀕危物種在內),這些河流、濕地、森林和連綿起伏的草原就是它們的家園。鶴和藍燕(blue sallow)正處於瀕臨滅絕的危險境地,所幸的是,仍有相當數量的這些鳥生活在南非的這片區域裏。


目前已經成為了一個發展最快的旅遊目的地,能提供從捕魚、划船和賞鳥,到潛水、徒步旅行和露營的一系列旅遊活動, 同時也為業餘愛好者和專業人士提供了良好的攝影機會。

回答 (3)

2007-07-23 1:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
South Africa is famous of being one the countries where national parks are gathering inside the place. From there, tourists would be able to observe the five most famous types of amphibians---lions, tigers, bulls, elephants and cows etc. Apart from that, there are also another types of animals, plantations and environments, where would be suitable for both the animals and plantations to survive, to be displayed inside the national park.

In terms of these animals and plantations including those which are under threat of being endangered, these rivers, wetlands, jungles and the unstable fields are places in which these species are living. Parrots and blue sallow are both under the threat of being an endangered species.Fortunately, there are still plenty amount of these species living in South Africa.

Those environments contains a wide range of animals and platations. They are ranging from barrier reefs, beaches and coastline jungles which contains a lot of aquatic species. The salty and normal weland,St.Louis river within the jar, straight to the plentiful field and dry plantation area.

From now on, these national parks have been developed as the well-known destination in South Africa. Furthermore, they also provide the activities ranging from fish catching, boat rowing and bird watching to water diving, picinc and camp etc. At the same time, they also provide apportunities for animals and plantations addicters and professionals to take photos of these natural environments.
參考: Longman Grammer Dictionary
2007-07-23 9:34 pm
South Africa is well-known for its numerous national parks that have. Where, the visitors can see five kinds of large mammals of the name of Africa Lion, colored leopard, buffalo, elephant and rhinoceros. In addition, there is many other animals and plants assortment and suitable for the comfort environment that the animals and plants survive in the national park.

As to all kinds of animals and plants ( Including a lot of endangered species) ,These river, wetland, forest and rolling grassland are their home. The crane and blue swallow ( blue sallow) In the endangered dangerous condition, fortunately, a great deal of these birds live in this area of South Africa.

Include many kinds of animals and plants living environment, from such as coral reef, seabeach and ocean biosystem of forest more, to the salty /fresh water wetland, St. Lucie inferior lake oneself vast mouth,reach luxuriant coastal plain and the dredging by forest zoning dry more.

Have already become a travel destination with the fastest developing speed at present, can offer from fishing, rowing the boat and awarding birds, get dive under water, go on a hike and a series of tourist activities that camp, offer the good photography chance to amateur and professional personage at the same time.
2007-07-23 2:52 am
好奇怪,樓上將哺乳類譯成 amphibian(兩棲類)

South Africa is famous for the the multitude of national parks in the country. There tourists can see the five big mammals in Africa - lions, leopards, buffalos, elephants and rhinoceroses. A variety of other fauna and flora [即動植物] and their suitable habitats can also be seen in the national parks.
For the animals and plants, which include many endangered species, the rivers, wetlands, forests and the vast savannah are their homes. Cranes and blue swallows, both in grave danger of extinction, can be found in considerable numbers in these areas in South Africa.
[原文缺少左主詞:These national parks also] boast many different types of habitats from coral reefs, beaches and mangroves for marine lives, to freshwater/saltwater wetlands and the expansive estuary of Lake St Lucia, and the lush coastal plains and dry open forests.
[原文缺少左主詞:South Africa's national parks] has already become the fastest-developing tourist attraction for all kinds of activities from fishing, boating and bird watching to diving, hiking and camping. Photographers, professional and amteur, will all find great sights to add to their collections.

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