
2007-07-22 7:11 pm
我有一堆光碟 是書附送的
可否放大量光碟(大約十多隻至廿隻)或電池(大約百多粒)在行李內? 會否檢查?
可否帶批杷膏過關? 和藥物有什麼需注意?
(希望能盡量用中文答 英文也可)

回答 (2)

2007-07-26 10:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
一堆光碟- ok.
批杷膏過關, ok, pack it nicely, 個bottle 有英文的,如果你stay London, China Town 有得賣,£5.00 大枝.
藥物有什麼需注意? 有合就ok, 不要一包無字lor. 如果是醫生開,可以問他索取信.
還有什麼特別需注意?act normal!
電蕊- ok, but Ikea AA only cost £1.49 for 10.... so 自己想想lor....
參考: self
2007-07-23 3:58 am
CD is okay unless it is illegal. Battery should be okay. You need to be careful with 批杷膏 because you need to make sure the custom is aware it is for medical reason. So as medicines. Be honest with the custom if they stop you for 檢查.

However, as most of the flights from HK arrives early morning 6:30am, it will have to be very unlucky to 檢查.

Good Luck.
參考: Myself - Live in UK

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