
2007-07-22 7:02 pm
State or Province
Zip/Postal Code
Phone Number

回答 (3)

2007-07-22 7:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
state or Province (市. 縣. 省) is a city of a country,
e.g. Guangdong Province 廣東 省

Zip/Postal Code is a group of number that represent that city or country,
e.g. Hong Kong : 00852

Phone Number is a group of number that represent a place,
e.g. you home phone number : (hong Kong is usually 8 numbers) xxxxxxxx
2007-07-22 7:27 pm

USA 用 State, Zip, Phone number
Canada: 用Province, Zip, Postal Code

For example: Walmart USA & Walmart Canada address:

USA: Wal-Mart Store #2536
Street 1110 East Prosperity Ave
State: Tulare,
Zip Code: CA 93274
Phone: (559) 684-1300

Canada address:
100 City Centre Drive
City: Mississauga
Province: ON
Postal Code: L5B 2C9
Phone: 905-270-9300

至於香港地址, state/province: Hong Kong
Zip/Postal Code : (郵政區碼)
phone number: (電話號碼)

2007-08-07 02:10:02 補充:
Phone number is definitely NOT a group of number representing a place.
Phone number is the numbers which can reach your telephone, it does not representing any place at all.
2007-07-22 7:09 pm
參考: ME

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