
2007-07-22 11:01 am
我見有人用 god of death

回答 (7)

2007-07-22 1:23 pm
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正確文法應該係 the god of the death 先啱, 因為只有一個神係掌管死亡, 我睇希臘神話書都係用 "the god of the death" 黎介紹 Hades.

另外要注意, Death 用大寫既意思係代表一個人名, 此名來自 敘事詩《失樂園》, 為其中之一惡魔. Death 得確係地獄既支配者, 但唔係 死神.
參考: 希臘神話, 失樂園
2007-07-24 6:20 am
"Death god" redirects here. For the deities of this nature, see Shinigami, of the Shinto religion. For Bleach see Shinigami in Bleach. For the guitarist see Jimi Hendrix.
Many cultures have incorporated a god of death into their mythology or religion. As death, along with birth, is among the major parts of human life, these deities may often be one of the most important deities of a religion. In some religions with a single powerful deity as the source of worship, the death deity is an antagonistic deity against which the primary deity struggles. The related term death worship has most often been used as a derogatory term to accuse certain groups of morally-abhorrent practices which set no value on human life, or which seem to glorify death as something positive in itself.

2007-07-23 22:21:27 補充:
死神至少有以下幾種含義:在希臘神話中,指哈底斯; 在羅馬神話中,指普魯托; 在埃及神話中,指阿努比斯; 在中國神話中,指閻羅王; 日本動漫作品:《Bleach》。
2007-07-22 4:44 pm
god of the dead
參考: me
2007-07-22 4:34 pm
Death god
參考: A stupid guy from Macau
2007-07-22 3:34 pm
應該係 the god of the death
2007-07-22 11:11 am
就咁 Death,, 要用大寫
參考: me,, yahoo dictionary
2007-07-22 11:10 am
death god

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