三句英翻中, 10點

2007-07-22 10:47 am
麻煩不要幫我用翻譯軟體翻, 謝謝你^^

It is important to recognize that this industry is highly cyclical. Down cycles are characterized by high levels of excess capacity among semiconductor manufacturers. The growth phase of the chip business will lead to capacity utilization as well as increasing demand for semiconductor equipment.

回答 (3)

2007-07-22 12:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
下降週期(Down cycles)的特徵是半導體生產業裏,有高度的多餘生產力.
2007-07-24 4:49 am
It is important to recognize that this industry is highly cyclical.

Down cycles are characterized by high levels of excess capacity among semiconductor manufacturers.
下跌週期的特點是高層次的生產力過剩的半導體廠商 .

The growth phase of the chip business will lead to capacity utilization as well as increasing demand for semiconductor equipment.
生長階段的芯片業務將導致生產能力利用率以及增加需求,半導體設備 .
2007-07-23 1:12 am
它重要認為, 這產業是高度週期的。下來週期為高水平剩餘容量描繪在半導體製造商之中。芯片事務的成長階段將導致容量運用以及對半導體設備的增長的需求。
參考: me

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