F.1 math_percentages

2007-07-22 8:38 am
plz help me to do the question.Thx!If you do not know the answer,plz answer no.Thx!

1.A jacket is sold for $375.The percentage profit is 25%.What is the cost price of the jacked?

2.The profit on selling an article is 44% of its cost price.If the profit is $1056,find the seling price of the article.

3. After 15% of a bill has been deducted,$782 remains to be paid.How much was the original bill?

回答 (3)

2007-07-22 8:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.the cost price of the jacked is $375 / (1+25%) = $300

2. the seling price of the article is $1056/44% + $1056 = $3456

3.How much was the original bill: $782/1-15% = $920

2007-07-22 01:02:58 補充:
$782/(1-15%) = $920
2007-07-22 8:59 am
1. Let the cost price of the jacket be y
[(375-y)/y]x100% = 25%
375-y = 0.25y
375 = 0.25y+y
375 = y(0.25+1)
y = 300
2. Let the cost price of the article be m
44%m = 1056
m = 2400
Let the selling price of the article be y
[(y-2400)/2400]x100% = 44%
y = 3456
3. Let the cost of the original bill be y
85%y = 782
y = 920
2007-07-22 8:45 am
( 1 ) Let the cost price be $x.

x ( 1 + 25% ) = 375

x = 300

So the cost price is $ 300.

(2 ) Let the cost price be $ x .

44% x = 1056

x = 2400

So the selling price : 2400 + 1056 = $ 3456

( 3 ) Let the original bill be $ x.

x ( 1 - 15% ) = 782

0.85 x = 782

x = 920

Therefore the original bill was $920.
參考: My Maths Knowledge

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 20:35:34
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