what is the weather like in Cambridge, Britain? What clothes

2007-07-22 7:00 am
天氣如何, bring what kind of clothes. Someone told me there are 4 seasons in Britain in one day. It rains heavily? Is it true?

回答 (3)

2007-07-24 1:40 am
✔ 最佳答案

Weather in Cambridge (or UK) in general is windy. Temperature in the summer can be between 11-20 degree where as in winter 5-14 degree. It is true that you may experience 4 seasons in UK but very rare of this to happen. Rain is usually mild but this summer, we have seen some extreme weather and floodings around UK.

For Clothes, I suggest you should bring long sleeve shirt and fleece for Summer, and in Winter, a big overall/windstopper and scarf + hat (for windy condition). A lot of people think you need 羽絨 in UK. I also thought the same when I first moved to UK. However, consider there are central heating (heaters) in all UK building, there is actually no need to wear 羽絨. I seldomly wear my 羽絨 unless I have to go outside for a very long time.

You can also check the weather via http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/

Hope this helps.
參考: Myself - Live in UK
2007-07-26 11:01 am
when are you going? if now, the weather is abit cold and weather, due to the weather is bad.

a light weight jacket is away good for UK weather in summer, once it go into Oct weather could be drop to 15C day time and 10C at night.

so.... have a good trip
參考: self
2007-07-23 10:05 pm
The weather is just like London, may have rain in winter.
There may be 4 seasons in one day, but not all the time.

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