runescape,how to made holy symbol(chinese)

2007-07-22 5:28 am
runescape,how to made holy symbol(chinese)

回答 (1)

2007-07-23 6:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Holy Symbol 需要的材料如下︰
1. silver bar - 可向player購買或自己採silver ore(mining lvl 20),再到furnace 融掉
2. holy symbol mould - 可在各大crafting店買到,或在crafting guild(crafting lvl 40)免費取得。如你有poh(player own house),即可在tool box 取得
3. ball of wool - 可以買、或者自己剪羊毛再到spining wheel捲
4. 要取得blessed 的symbol,必須有lvl 31 prayer到monastery(edgeville以西)2樓找(Brother Jered),或p2p可用Saradomin 或 Guthix book(horror from the deep)祝福

1. inventory要有1 silver bar及holy symbol mould,use silver bar with furnace,可得到一個Unstrung holy symbol(需要lvl 16 crafting)
2. 再use ball of wool with Unstrung holy symbol,即成unblessed holy symbol
3. 最後用你的方法將其得得祝福(blessed),即是到monastery blessed或用prayer book

你就會得到一個holy symbol
參考: 我是香港某大型遊戲討論區的rs版主 - rurika

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