One Economis Basic Question

2007-07-22 5:19 am
Why owning to the problem of scarcity in a society, we have to compete against one another?

回答 (3)

2007-07-22 5:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
scarcity is defined as a condition of limited resources and unlimited wants and needs, ie that society does not have sufficient resources to produce enough to fulfill subjective wants. Alternatively, scarcity implies that not all of society's goals can be attained at the same time, so that trade-offs are made of one good against others. Neoclassical economics, the dominant school of economics today, defines its field as involving scarcity: following Lionel Robbins' definition, economics is a science which studies human behavior as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses.



2007-07-21 21:59:37 補充:
for example,一d economic goods, 例如m記既snoopy,因為唔可以滿足每一個人入面既慾望(wants),所以d人就要比錢,甚至係排隊既時間去得到佢地

2007-07-26 20:40:54 補充:
係snoopy呢個case,d人就要鬥犧牲得多d時間去排隊黎買,因為係先到先得有d case就係價高者得
參考: wiki
2007-07-25 11:41 pm
Scarcity implies that limited resources cannot satisify all humans wants (as wants are unlimited). People have to compete against one another, in order to fulfill their wants within the limited rescources.

Competition aries when people are willing and able to give in something that may be tangible or intangile, such as money, time, etc, to get the limited rescources. Therefore, people have to make choices, and that will led to the aries of costs, e.g. opportunity cost.

For example, people can compete against others by using money, i.e. the one who are willing to pay for the highest price, the one who will get the thing, this is simply as auction in real world. People can also compete by using non-money method, such as "first come first serve", people who has lower time costs may spend more time in queuing.
2007-07-24 1:54 am
'cause we need to pay a cost for what we want !

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