HKU Space aba interview - asso / associate

2007-07-21 9:43 pm
will i have the chance of getting into HKU Space aba programme in the 2nd round of application (28/7) if my a-level results are: clc (e), ue(e), P.Maths(d), chem(u), phy(f)

also, can anyone tell me what will be usually asked by the interviewer of aba programme?

lastly, if i apply for 2 asso programmes in HKU Space, do i need to attend 2 different interviews?

回答 (1)

2007-07-24 6:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
will i have the chance of getting into HKU Space aba programme in the 2nd round of application (28/7) if my a-level results are: clc (e), ue(e), P.Maths(d), chem(u), phy(f)

應該OK呀~你meet到佢min. req.不過你最好係jupas放榜前去報~咁就應該幾大機會~如果你等到jupas放榜後先去ge話~可能要同d no offer既full cert人爭~就係細機會左

also, can anyone tell me what will be usually asked by the interviewer of aba programme?

我今年都係報左space asso~應該可以答到你呢個問題..
3)點解你會讀呢個asso programme


lastly, if i apply for 2 asso programmes in HKU Space, do i need to attend 2 different interviews?

應該係唔可以apply 2 asso programmes~
你交一次報名費~佢就會俾form你填2個asso programme choices
first choice同second choice
除非佢唔收你讀first choice~否則佢會俾你入first choice
second choice你唔會入架
即係簡單黎講佢只會offer 1個asso programme俾你
你亦都唔可以因為俾多一次報名費而報多一個asso programme
所以你都唔會有2個different interviews

28/7 &29/7好似係九龍灣個個campus報asso唔洗報名費
參考: me

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