[URGENT] Trip to North England(Scotland) [7日 trip planning]

2007-07-21 8:35 pm
Anyone can give me a detailed travel planner to North England?? (for 7 days)

Or, give me some famous spots in North England which we must go to.


linghoyi....what are you answering??? I am not answering about football or other sports....


chionboy101101.....what are you answering also???? 我一頭無緒.... = =

回答 (3)

2007-07-21 8:38 pm
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Welcome to the World Cup '06 wiki!

The World Cup is the globe’s largest sporting event, with a viewership -- both live and télé-tuned -- that beggars that of the Super Bowl and makes a mockery of the notion, long held in North America, that football is boring.

On this site, fans will find a place to have their say on all things World Cup-related, and to add information for all to read.

The Final: Italy Tops France, Wins It All

The World Cup is over. Italy reversed the pace of the game, in which it had struggled against a better-organized French side, to take the game by penalty shoot-out. France was valiant (what Zidane was thinking, when he head-butted an Italian defender to the chest, and was sent off) is surely going to be the talk of the Cup, these next few days); Italy was impressive in the air, but never looked that good as they held the game to a 1-1 draw, going into the penalty phase. What did you think?
And how did the third/fourth-place game strike you: Germany 3 Portugal 1?

If your team got through, tell everyone why. If the teams you predicted aren't still here, why not?

Round Two, Here We Go
The preliminaries are over. What do you think of these brilliant games?

Who Is Looking Good Enough?
We've now seen all the teams in action; how do they look? Have your say on all the teams on their home pages: England, Germany...

News Flash
In the comments section of this page (click above): Odds and ends; odd items of note; day by day.

Just How Bad is the Commentary in Your Part of the World?
U.S. football fans are bemoaning the very sad presentation of the games by ESPN and ABC networks. They find it uninformed and infantilizing (the companies are, after all, owned by Disney). If you have anything to say about this, whether you're in the U.S., or anywhere else, speak your mind here.

From where the players eat and stay to where the fans camp out, share your info, celeb sightings, and tips for making World Cup 2006 the adventure of a lifetime. Don't forget to add pictorial evidence!

Can't make the trip this year? Tell us where you and your fellow fans congregate in the RW to catch all the action.

Sure, the FIFA site is chockfull of authoritative World Cup goodness, but where does the average fan get a chance to be his or her own authority? Right here! You can add to the information already here, or have your say in our commentary section. Sound off now!

We've set up team pages that can house your fan-generated records of World Cup 2006. You can help bear your team's legacy and legend along by adding your own fun facts, fantastic feats (and perhaps even more fantastic opinions), weird tidbits, updates, game recaps, web links, odds-making, and other fan lore.

Find your team, and get busy!

Read on, share your thoughts, post your photos. Come back often as the World Cup wages on to see what other people think of what you think.
2007-07-26 11:10 am
well Scotland is a big place and depend do you like city or country side.


this website should give you some good ideas.....

have a good trip.
參考: self
2007-07-21 8:43 pm
為江湖賣藝小子,自少與母親成大娘和兄長成功在市集上以賣藝為生。由於兄長成功好食懶飛,常借故身弱多病,結果一切高難度的賣藝動作都悉數落在風頭上。雖然生活清苦,功又常常惹來小麻煩,但是三母子倒也可說是樂也融融。及後被武林奇人東方無崖看中,在對方的幫忙之下 天賦異稟,骨格清奇,對武學有一種莫名的熱誠。為人樂觀,有毅力,對於認定的事物,鍥而不捨的追求,不顧成敗,率性而行。善良多情,平凡中卻有吸引人特質,令人喜歡親近,傾心相向。

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