that the problem faced by many people
變得沒有那麼[無聲出]沉密, you have to give more confidence
to yourself, be brave to talk with another.
one reason for your shyness is you lack of knowledge.
you cannot think of things related to any topics
then you will have no idea in all aspect.
one way to help you gain in knowledge is watch more MOVIE
variety of MOVIE can enchance your inspiration and idea.
Or read more books, but it is quite boring , and difficult
as you have to read a lot of books to enchance your knownledge.
Ans : chat on different aspect
you don't have to talk in deep, just talk the simply things
if you are a secondary school student, you can talk about
your school life, things that happen every day
you can also mix with your personal experience
or you can add some "gags" to relax the astomsphere
or you can ask some questions, to lead the one who chat with you can
think and answer you --->will not be boring.