Cha 的意思

2007-07-21 4:22 pm

Pussycats Doll 有首歌叫Don't Cha,現在又有一隊女子組合叫Hot Cha 。

究竟Cha 是什麼意思?

回答 (3)

2007-07-21 5:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
cha 咪係 茶 囉, 即係 tea 呀
\Cha\ (ch[aum]), n. [Chin. ch`a.] [Also chaa, chais, tsia, etc.] Tea; -- the Chinese (Mandarin) name, used generally in early works of travel, and now for a kind of rolled tea used in Central Asia.

女子組合叫Hot Cha 即係熱茶嘛~

2007-07-21 09:14:08 補充:
至於個首pussycat既 don"t cha個cha係有唔同意思既Don't cha 係 Don't you 既意思, 不過讀得快, 個don't 既 t音帶左落個you字度,讀出黎好似 don't cha, 先至有個咁既歌名, 首歌既chorus第一句係咁既:Dont cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me即係 don't YOU wish your girlfriend was hot like me..
2008-02-12 6:46 am
You said that I think it is not good.!
2007-07-23 12:21 am
Actually it means " don't you! "

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