I want to go to Richmond(Canada) to have summer course

2007-07-21 8:23 am
I want to go to Richmond(Canada) to have summer course, to improve my english. I am 13. I have house there. so, what class I can have?
PLease help!!!!!!!!!

回答 (2)

2007-07-21 9:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am writing in English because I'm not good at typing in chinese. If you don't understand, just ask again.

I believe you are talking about Richmond Vancouver in Canada. (There are more than one place named Richmond in Canada). I am not sure if you are turning 14 soon or just turned 13. Students 14 of aged there would normally attend grade 9 (High School) while students just turned 13 will go to Junior High. Normally, new comers and foreign students will attend English as a Secondary Language (ESL) classes to improve English skills. All you have to do is go to a high school nearby your neighborhood and tell them you would like to take an ESL class to improve English skills. ESL consists of 4 elements, Speaking, Listening, Writing and Reading. Your school councilor will give you a test to see what level you will be attending.
參考: 14 years experience living in Canada
2007-07-21 8:41 am
you're plannin to go to canada, nice way of improving yourself! i can't tell you exactly what classes to take to be better cuz western education's structure is different from asia. all i can say is find out which school in specific which i assume you're gonna go to jr high, then find out what classes are avaliable for summer. if you're not a citizen there it would take longer cuz you have to register and everything. in america we offer majority of classes during summer such as english, math, science, history etc, but it depends on the level of the classes, ones with high difficulty are not offered most of the time cuz it takes longer to teach and do the hw. but english courses are offered no matter what level cuz we speak english here.

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