My cat attacked me, is something wrong with my cat?

2007-07-20 10:47 pm
My cat is neutered and is the only cat in the house. He's about 18 months old. He would jump up and bite me on my arm really hard. You know how wild animals they look at their prey, start running, jump up, and bite -- that's how my cat has been behaving lately.

he looked mean when he jumped up. i felt like i was his dinner! he has been bitty since he was a kitten but this behavior seemed more aggressive now.


he doesn't hiss. i've only heard him hissing once. thank you for your responses! =)

回答 (11)

2007-07-20 10:54 pm
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its a stage.

it will get out of it eventully. or not lol. its teething.

but when he does that tell him no bad cat!and maybe that will get it out of the habbit.
2007-07-20 10:56 pm
Your cat is playing with you, and yes, he is a bit rough, but he is just playing cat-and-mouse...and you are the mouse.
Tell him a strong no! when he bites you, we will continue playing, but eventually he will avoid biting you.
參考: Two cats at home. One is 11 years, and still plays with me like you describe.
2016-10-09 3:33 pm
i've got had this ensue with 2 distinctive cats. With the 1st one, Simon, it became truthfully introduced on via a valid. My roommate on the time became fooling around and made this weird and wonderful "duck call", and Simon merely flipped out and attacked the closest man or woman. I tossed a blanket over him and put in in my mattress room till he calmed down. a pair days later, I got here dwelling house and located my roommate and a chum hiding in her mattress room. She became telling the story, and foolishly repeated the duck call...with an analogous effects. (2 adults hiding from a cat is a humorous sight!) the 2d time (some years later) the placement became lots like yours...I had 2 cats, Booshie and Penny. considered one of my teenagers by twist of destiny stepped on Penny's tail, and he or she permit loose a "warOOOW". This appeared to set off Booshie into psychotic rage! Penny calmed suited down and became fantastic, yet Booshie tore into my son's legs particularly badly previously I have been given her wrapped up in a towel. She calmed down when I had saved her remoted for awhile. In the two those circumstances, we did no longer innovations-set the cats while they have been dissatisfied, they only went for us...and that they have got been the two in any different case thoroughly friendly, conventional cats. i do no longer understand for optimistic, yet IMO, it became sound that introduced on it the two circumstances. As a final notice: verify you sparkling the scratches out particularly properly and disinfect them. Cat scratches could be particularly nasty. See a doctor in the event that they strengthen into contaminated.
2007-07-22 6:49 pm
He's probably just trying to tell you that he wants to play. Most of the time when cats attack you, they're bored and want to do something then sleep the whole day. I suggest giving him a lot more affection and playing with him more!
參考: A lot of cat experience, knowledge, and have been in the same situation.
2007-07-21 12:26 am
I agree with the person that said its an affection thing. My kitten always trips me when i am about to leave for work and I dont pay attention to her. Any time that i am busy doing something and dont take the time to awknowledge her and just walk past her she grabs onto my ankles and hunts me around the apartment.
2007-07-20 11:10 pm
My cat, age 13-1/2, usually very mild mannered, has done similar things to me over the years. Each incident had some aspects in common. Most recently, he was not ready for me to put him down and stop paying attention to him, so he came up to me and bit me in the face (not hard, fortunately)! I was lying down at the time, obviously. Then he looked at me with this wild, "about to attack" kind of look and I sort of inched away from him and got out of bed before he could bite me again. One time I had put my head under the covers so that he'd leave me alone in the morning. Big Mistake. He clearly took this as an insult and/or I looked like prey, hiding from him. He bit me (hard) on the part of my scalp that was sticking out from under the covers. Another time I had taken my dog on a two-night trip, but left him at home (of course) and had someone come over to feed him. He bit me on the ankle (hard) when the dog and I came home. So I think it's a matter of attention. Giving the cat (a.k.a. Royalty) the attention he or she so clearly feels entitled to. Pet him or her often, and never ever play cat and mouse even accidentally like I did! Don't hold him or her longer than they want, and don't put them down before they've had their fill of attention. In short, cats are a lot like people, only with claws and sharper teeth.
2007-07-20 11:00 pm
It is just really playful at its age. Don't listen to that jerk off "Why?"
2007-07-20 10:56 pm
did you do anything to it?
2007-07-20 10:55 pm
Nothing is wrong with your cat unless.... Maybe he likes to play a lot or he's just lonely? If things get anymore serious, go to the vet and ask him/her for help.
2007-07-20 10:54 pm
Kittens and young cats are normally quite playful; it sounds like normal behavior.
Perhaps you should provide him with toys so he'll leave you alone.
2007-07-20 10:55 pm
Get rid of it.

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