Islam or my boyfriend?

2007-07-20 8:28 am
My boyfriend and I been together for like 1 year and so. He's Muslim and I've felt really bad because I made him do haraam things like sex when I didn't pratice religion or had a religion and he does. Just a week ago I reverted to Islam (same religion as him) and other than my parents not accepting it, he is also a problem. I don't want us to have sex anymore.. yet again we're not even suppose to be dating. He used to be a bad boy with his gangs and smoking/drinking and like two days after I embraced Islam, he decided to be good. He's a nice guy, I love him, but I don't think we can get married (NY required age is 18 yrs old) I don't know how to tell him.. it hurts to leave him, but I'm not allowed to date.. does anyone have a solution?

Thank you..

回答 (21)

2007-07-20 3:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
jehovah is the best religion
2007-07-20 8:35 am
Help him become a good Muslim, but if he is not willing, then protect yourself and your faith in Islam.

This life is a short test......... the hereafter is the real life that is everlasting.

Prefer the hereafter which is everlasting to anything in this life which is temporary.

Stay away from the forbidden things and work to bring piety into your life.

The rewards in the hereafter are beyond our imagination.... and are worth whatever sacrifice we have to make.

This life is a paradise for the nonbeliever (rebellious to God) and a prison for the true Believer.

The next life will be a paradise for the believer and a prison for the non believer.

Choose obediance and imprison our unlimited desires in this short life and get an everlasting life of bliss and freedom in the hereafter or choose total freedom in this life (no restrictions) and get an everlasting life of restriction and regret in the hereafter.

Intelligent men and women choose the Eternal success, freedom and unrestricted enjoyment over the Temporary deception of success, freedom and unrestricted enjoyment.

2007-07-20 9:16 am
Religion is the source of all evil in this world. Mankind is seduced by all the talk about good and bad and how they have the licence from God to kill others who do not share their belief. It just like the Borg in the Star Trek series. with the Borg queen controlling them. Like Osama controlling the Muslims. Did you hear of a Muslim leader condemning the terrorists. None, but many condone the terrors. Resistance is futile. They want all humans to be Muslims. If not then we are barbarians. Well you both decide and not let love go the way of religious beliefs. Just ask yourselves, If you have no religious beliefs, would you want to be together? If the answer is yes, then there is hope in this world. It's John's dream, imagine no religion too. Imagine all the people living in peace?
2007-07-20 8:38 am
Leave him for sure, he is not a good person as u said, he smokes and drinks, i think u should leave him and leave islam too, because i dont want u to be terrorist, Joking,
but believe me, find another boy friend,
2016-10-09 2:58 pm
Islam is the suited commonly used faith of God. So its regulations too are divinely decreed. So is the guideline against relationship or premarital intercourse. This rule is interior the main suitable activity of the ladies persons. In Islam women persons are called precious gem stones that would desire to be nicely secure against ills of the society. The prophet suggested,"women persons are the Handmaidens of God, do no longer unwell cope with them". Such is their status in Islam. in certainty Adam is assumed to be created for a objective basically. however the introduction of Eve is known to be of better value to that of Adam, by using fact Eve's introduction is for a Noble objective of harmonising the existence of Adam. the relationship of Adam as with that of Eve, is like that of a plane and a powerful pilot. no count number how good the plane is, without a good pilot, a secure take off and touchdown is magnificent. Thats how significant and noble the functionality of woman is in society. So Islam ordains policies as a precaution to guard the ladies persons from any disastrous eventualities. As a pupil of Human behavioural technological expertise those are my findings: whilst a woman or a woman says, "i admire you", it particularly is ordinarily from the backside of her coronary heart. on the choice, whilst a guy or a boy says such, it particularly is ordinarily a trifling lip service. a guy can basically be sure by way of marriage. If relationship, assembly n kissing have been accepted b4 marriage there is surprisingly good hazard of the girl ending up impregnated, and the boy ending up dumping her. In such an issue, who do u think of would be interior the loosing end. So, Islam as a fashion to guard the wellbeing of girls persons imposes strictness in behaviour b4 marriage. And assembly ur stranger husband for the 1st time might nicely be greater exiting than assembly one's often used husband. do no longer make relaxing of God's policies.So in no way say haha back without awareness. Be smart. do no longer have confidence me? bypass, supply it a shot, n locate it urself.
2007-07-23 10:26 pm
I am Muslim, and you should go by Islam. It is the right path and way of life. In Islam, it isn't right to have boyfriends or girlfriends, and actually it is forbidden. Tell him you will go by to the right path of Islam and repent all the bad deeds you have done. He might understand.
2007-07-23 9:52 pm
I'm really surprised that although he was drinking and doing bad stuff you knew islam throw him and converted to it.
I think you should ask your self Do you really believe in Islam ? you think it's the right thing to have in life?
and the other question should be Do you really love him ? you think he could turn to be a good person ?
I think if you answer those questions you should know where you are going and what you will be doing.
Also you gotta know that you can choose both Islam & your bf, If you take this year "till being 18" to turn him into a good person who can take the responsibility of a marriage then i think it would be perfect.

Best of luck
2007-07-20 11:17 pm
Islam obviously, when you die your boyfreind will be history, anyways, fornication is haraam, people also think, women have less rights? Allah balanced the rights and limits in the shari'ah the divine law, between men an women and husband an wife.
But, really, I am begging you, marry or not, please do not sin.
May Allah guide and forgive you.
參考: Imam
2007-07-20 8:44 am

I had a similar problem when i converted. My conversion was almost in spite of the Muslim man i was seeing.

For a while after I converted he completely distracted me from any good intentions that i had which ruined my self-esteem. In the end, we broke up (and are still good friends) b/ he said he couldn't ruin me anymore... and he didn't want me to eventually realize what he had done to me and be away from his life forever.

Our friendship is good.... is wonderful... but i am ECSTATIC that we're not romantically involved anymore. You should realize that right now you are choosing between masking your good qualities to be in his life and embracing all of the wonderful gifts that you were given the day you said your shahadah. Our religion is perfect.... human beings are not.... any human being that distracts you from our religion... is injuring you whether they realize it or not.....

so once again.... ISLAM..... without a second thought.

Peace and Blessings,

ps feel free to email me sis.
2007-07-20 8:39 am
It seems like you're going through life very quickly. Wanting to get married at 17? Enjoy your life as it is now, minus the dating. You said it yourself: you are not allowed. I know that you will have a hard time, and he will as well. But you cannot expect to have a religious life without having to sacrifice some aspects of your previous life in the process.
2007-07-20 8:45 am
Asalam alaikum, sister. Masha Allah you have accepted Islam! Study Islam and keep asking questions. To gain Iman (faith) you need to gain knowledge. The best advice is to pray. Pray to Allah (SWT) for forgiveness, guidance, and pray for your family, and your family members who have passed away. Look at the history of Prophet Muhammad (S). Encourage your friend to do the same too. I suggest you go to and look at the scholars. Some scholars are Dr. Zakir Naik, Yusuf Estes, Dr. Bilal Phillips, and Khalid Yasin. Allahmdullah they are very good speakers. Keep praying to Allah (SWT). Encourage your friend to study more about Islam. Thank you for your time.

Remember in the Qur'an, it is said that this life is a test and it's a very short life. Think about everything you're going to do. Ask yourself, "Is this going to help me in the next life or is it going to hurt me?" If it is going to hurt you then do not do it!


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