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IF 按左D個音 應該要彈邊幾條線架?定係要彈晒6條線?
If you are playing a D major chord, you should be playing all six strings.
D F G C 既按法圖?
D Major:
F Major:
(people usually use bar chord to play F Major, i.e. the index finger presses all strings on the first fret)
G Major:
C Major:
You left hand's finger have to press the strings hard. Also, pay attetion to the following:
Make sure when you press the strings, your fingers should place close to the frets.
I am now in Paris. I should explain further in Chinese when I come back to HK a few days later.
2007-07-24 11:51:39 補充:
啲弦線要捻實。最好用魚絲線,唔會手指頭,但手指頭一定會起枕。捻近fret嘅位置,注要唔好有其他手指揩到啲弦。先由簡單 open chord 學起,如Am,Em,E,C,G等,但bar chord 如B,Bm,F,Fm等一定要學,而且仲要彈出嚟粒粒音都乾淨冇拖泥带水,然後才慢慢學勾指。