老板比壓力我, 要我留低如何回答

2007-07-21 7:03 am
佢好像不願接受現實一様, 比平時叫我做野的次數更多, 又不停同我講公司未來新動向, 他為我走的事己私下跟我說了兩次, 我如同他說呢 : (英文)

- 不要給壓力我吧, 給我考慮下啦

如果到真係走果日, 我會住動走入佢房 say goodbye, 有d 咩可同佢講呢

回答 (2)

2007-07-21 7:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
He is acting as if he refuses to accept reality and handing me much more workload than usual. Besides, he keeps on talking to me about new developement in the company. He had spoken to me in private 2 times about my resignation. How should I explain to him about No giving me further pressure and let me considerate.

When it comes to my last day, I will march into his room and say "Good bye" to him, and what do you recommend him to add?

2007-07-20 23:20:23 補充:
Please do not laid further pressure on my back and give me room to re-considerate.Or Please lift my load and make room for me to re-considerate....orPlease have mercy on me and make room for me to re-considerate....
參考: Me
2007-07-21 11:31 am
Say: Please don't stress me out, give me some time to consider.

You may also say:
I appreciate for all these, but please don't stress me out and gimme some time to consider.
參考: 14 years English experience living English Society

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