
2007-07-21 6:57 am
The world is full of surpisebefore and after sunrise
That day I saw your eyesHot as fire and blue as the sky Day went byOur love never diesThough I can't see you anymoreNo one but you I do adore Death took you away Our faith andfire do not fade Here your smell and smile still stay Goodbye is the word I don't want to say Time goes back to our wedding day To the day we got engaged
And the day I saw your face In timeless heaven love will never decay
幫我翻譯埋中文 pls

回答 (2)

2007-07-21 7:44 am
✔ 最佳答案

2007-07-20 23:50:30 補充:
The world is full of surpise before and after sunrise That day I saw your eyes Hot as fire and blue as the sky Day went by Our love never dies.......永別,這句話是我不願說的。光音的點滴回響,自妳我的婚禮,以及定婚、以至在那時空無間的天堂那裡再見妳的芳容。妳我的愛將海怙死糷,永垂不朽。

2007-07-20 23:51:53 補充:
明顯 winnie 是用番譯網拉.....
參考: me
2007-07-21 7:43 am
世界充滿 surpisebefore 和在日出之後
那日子,我看見你的視力所及範圍當火和藍色的當做天空日子去了 byOur 從不愛 diesThough 我不能見到你 anymoreNo 一但是你,我確實崇拜死亡取走了你我們的信心 andfire 在這裡不褪色你的味道和仍然微笑停留再見是我不想要說次回去對我們變得忙碌的那天的我們的結婚日的字

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