
2007-07-21 6:30 am

7.Three bells ring at intervals of 6,18 and 30 minutes respectively.

a)If they all ring at a certain moment,how many minutew will pass before they do so again?

b)If they all ring at 1:00pm,when will they ring together again in the ahternoon?
(From 1:00pm to 6:00pm)

8.IF a certain(某) number is multiplied by 4 and is added to 10,the result is 34.Find the number.

9.If two-fifths(5分之2) of a certain number is decreased by(减去)9,the result is 11.Find the number.

回答 (2)

2007-07-21 6:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
a. LCM of 6,18,30

b. from the result in (a),
1:00pm + 90 mins = 2:30pm

8. let the number be X
4X + 10 = 34
4X = 24
X = 6

9. let the number be X
(2/5)X - 9 = 11
(2/5)X = 20
X = 20 (5/2)
X = 50
2007-07-21 7:14 am
7. 3個鐘聲分別係6分、18分及30分響起
a) 如果每次都以一定的時間響鐘,咁幾時響鐘一次
ans. 12分鐘
b) 如果由下午一時開始響,到下午六時後,會響幾多次?
ans. 60/12*5+1=26次
8. 如果某個數乘4再加10,結果為34,那數的值是多少?
ans. 4y10=34 y=6
9. 如果某個數的五分之二,減9,結果為11,那數的值是多少?
ans. (2y/5)-9=11 y=50

2007-07-20 23:15:15 補充:

2007-07-21 21:14:08 補充:

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