2007-07-21 4:28 am
請問美資finance company,fresh graduate有無機會入?可以apply 咩post?
請問美資finance company好似下列公司
Morgan Stanley, goldmansach

Which post get alot of bonus...and earn alot of money and supposly said to be able to retire early?

In goldman sach..
In the carreer section theres, Equities, finance,global investment reseach, Investment banking blah blah blah,.... but what exectly is the name of the post that i want to apply called?

I want to be a fund manager..

回答 (2)

2007-07-21 8:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Well fund manager needs intelligent on figures, money management, company administration and so on, most of the fund managers are MBA (Master of Business Administration) and certify as Investment Adviser in the first place.
That is good to be a fund manager, but for your information, he is just an employee of Fund Management company, which may not pay you good enough to retire earlier, but they pay you good enough to LOOK like rich...........
Money Market have many opertunity to retire earlier like stock analysis, broker firm, II(individual Investor), etc, mostly they are pay for himself, and much easier to retire earlier, like John Webbs, retire at 37 with hundred millions proforlio........
Fresh grad is go to start from broker firm as analysis, learn as much as you can, DONOT invest so soon before you have good knowledge on Money Market ......MOST IMPORTANT......DONOT PLAY AROUND.........
參考: Former IR
2008-09-15 11:53 pm
The website can help you. and

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