
2007-07-21 2:31 am
如果想表達 一件物品有 expiry date, 如用了 6 個月就要更換新的, 用英文應該怎寫最好 ??

回答 (3)

2007-07-21 2:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
It should be replaced upon a consumption period of six months.
2007-07-21 1:37 pm
This product has an expiry date and should be replaced after 6 months of usage.
參考: I am Canadian.
2007-07-21 2:38 am
Please renew after 6 months

2007-07-20 18:39:26 補充:
成支換就用renew : 如牙刷換一半就refill如改錯帶

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