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2007-07-20 6:23 pm

Apostol Santiago

Diametro aprox. 3CM
Madera a eleccion
(representada por el color gris)

Chapa con la imagen
del apostol grabada
y calado el fondo
para resaltar mas la imagen
contrastando con la madera
y darle un estilo mas artesanal.
Dicha chapa remachada
a la madera, con marco de
plata remachado a eta tambien

回答 (3)

2007-07-20 11:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
ENG'' '
Apostol Santiago
Diametro approx 3CM
Wood to election
(represented by the gray color)

Plate with the image of apostol recorded and pierced the bottom to emphasize but the image contrasting with the wood and to give an artisan style him but. This plate riveted to the wood, with frame of silver riveted to eta also

中文'' '
Apostol 聖地牙哥Diametro 大約3CM 木頭對競選(由灰色顏色代表) 板材以apostol 的圖像記錄和刺穿底部強調但圖像與木頭形成對比和給工匠稱呼他但。這塊板材被鉚牢對木頭, 以銀框架並且鉚牢了對eta
2007-07-20 6:35 pm
Apostol Santiago
Diametro approx 3CM
Wood to election
(represented by the gray color)

Plate with the image of apostol recorded and pierced the bottom to emphasize but the image contrasting with the wood and to give an artisan style him but. This plate riveted to the wood, with frame of silver riveted to eta also
2007-07-20 6:28 pm
Santiago apostle

Diameter approx. 3CM
Wood to election (represented by the gray color)

Plate with the image
of the recorded apostle
and openwork the bottom
in order to emphasize but the image contrasting with the wood
and to give an artisan style him but.
This riveted plate
to the wood, with frame of silver riveted to eta also

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